github hazelcast/hazelcast v5.3.1

latest releases: v5.4.0, v5.3.7, v5.5.0-DEVEL-2...
13 months ago

This document lists the new features, enhancements, fixed issues and, removed or deprecated features for Hazelcast Platform 5.3.1 release. The numbers in the square brackets refer to the issues and pull requests in Hazelcast's GitHub repository.


  • Updated the version of jackson-core dependency to 2.15.2. [#24727]


  • Fixed an issue where submitting a job was failing when it is done using Hazelcast Command-Line Client (CLC). [#24704]
  • Fixed an issue where the REST calls were failing for Hazelcast clusters with TLS v1.3 configured, and deployed on Kubernetes. [#24623]
  • Fixed various issues in Health Monitor including incorrect metric names. [#24636]

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