github hasura/graphql-engine v1.4.0-alpha.2

latest releases: v2.40.2, cli/v2.40.2, v2.40.1...
pre-release3 years ago

NOTE: 1.4 is now 2.0


This is the next alpha release for v1.4.0. This includes few metadata related features and many refactors to support other database backends.

Inconsistent Metadata

Add allow_inconsistent_metadata option to replace_metadata API. This will replace metadata even if there are inconsistency errors, returning a 200 response code and is_consistent and inconsistent_objects keys in the response body.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • server: fix issue of not exposing mutation functions to the admin role when function permissions are inferred (fix #6503)
  • server: add "resource_version" field to metadata for concurrency control - disable lookup during migrations
  • console: add tree view for Data tab UI
  • cli: restore v2 metadata support

Using this release

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