github hasura/graphql-engine v1.3.1

latest releases: cli/v2.41.0-beta.1, v2.41.0-beta.1, v2.40.2...
3 years ago


This is the first patch release for v1.3. This fixes few bugs and includes general refactors.

Breaking change

Headers from environment variables starting with HASURA_GRAPHQL_ are not allowed in event triggers, actions & remote schemas.

If you do have such headers configured, then you must update the header configuration before upgrading.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • server: fix failing introspection query when an enum column is part of a primary key (fixes #5200)
  • server: disallow headers from env variables starting with HASURA_GRAPHQL_ in event triggers, actions & remote schemas (#5519)
    WARNING: This might break certain deployments. See Breaking change section above.
  • server: bugfix to allow HASURA_GRAPHQL_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE of 0 (#5363)
  • server: support only a bounded plan cache, with a default size of 4000 (closes #5363)
  • server: add logs for action handlers (#5471)
  • server: add request/response sizes in event triggers (and scheduled trigger) logs (#5463)
  • server: change startup log kind db_migrate to catalog_migrate (#5531)
  • console: handle nested fragments in allowed queries (close #5137) (#5252)
  • console: update sidebar icons for different action and trigger types (#5445)
  • console: make add column UX consistent with others (#5486)
  • cli: improve error messages thrown when metadata apply fails (#5513)
  • cli: fix issue with creating seed migrations while using tables with upper-case letters (closes #5532) (#5549)
  • build: introduce additional log kinds for cli-migrations image (#5529)

Using this release

Use the following docker image:


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