github haskell/haskell-language-server 1.3.0

latest releases:,,
3 years ago

2021 July release of HLS arrives! This release includes binaries for GHC 9.0.1
and some new interesting features. Here is the brief summary of changes:

  • Binaries for GHC 9.0.1 are added by @anka-213.
    • It does not support all plugins yet, but core GHCIDE features will work. For the detailed information that which plugins work, please refer this list.
  • Call hierarchy plugin is added, contributed by @July541.
  • Now completions work with definitions from non-imported modules, thanks to @pepeiborra.
  • Eval plugin
    • The plugin supports GHC 9.0.1, thanks to @berberman.
    • :info command is added by @akrmn.
    • The plugin uses the same default language as GHCi with @fmehta's patch.
  • Wingman, where most changes owing to @isovector
    • Wingman no longer changes the fixity of function definitions.
    • Wingman now gives unique names to the holes it generates.
    • Wingman's ability to reason about polymorphic and GADT types is significantly improved.
    • Wingman no longer suggests homomorphic destructs when the codomain is larger than the domain.
    • "Complete case constructors" action supports empty lambda cases.
    • Wingman now gives a warning if it ran out of gas during "attempt to fill hole".
    • Metaprogramming for Wingman has been improved with symbolic-name support and the pointwise combinator.
    • An option to enable/disable Wingman's proof state styling is added.
    • Hole fit suggestions are now disabled for performance reasons when using Wingman.
  • Hovering on a name displays the package where the name is defined, contributed by @berberman.

Pull requests merged for 1.3.0

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