github hashicorp/waypoint v0.5.1

latest releases: v0.11.4, v0.11.3, v0.11.2...
3 years ago

0.5.1 (August 19, 2021)


cli/status: Display '(unknown)' when the time a status report was generated is not known [GH-2047]
cli/uninstall: Remove hard requirement on platform flag, attempt to read server platform from server context. Platform flag overrides anything set in a server platform context [GH-2052]


plugin/aws/alb: Always set the generated time for a status report [GH-2048]
plugin/aws/ecs: Fix destroy non-latest deployments in ECS [GH-2054]
ui: Prevent deletion of git/input variable settings when saving the other [GH-2057]

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