github hashicorp/vault-rails v0.7.0

latest release: v0.7.1
3 years ago

v0.7.0 (October 27th, 2020)


  • Added support for the Vault Enterprise transform secrets engine, extending 'vault_attribute' with a 'transform_secret'
    hash that allows for format-preserving encryption [GH-102]


  • Fixed an issue in newer versions of ActiveRecord where you could not access an encrypted attribute after a 'destroy'
    (for instance, as part of a dependant: :destroy chain). Attributes are now decrypted before a destroy, as a result. [GH-110]
  • Fixed a regression where attributes being assigned to nil would be not respected [GH-107]


  • Dropped support for Rails 4.2 [GH-108]

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