github hashicorp/terraform-provider-vsphere v2.8.0

latest releases: v2.8.2, v2.8.1
one month ago

2.8.0 (May 07, 2024)


  • resource/virtual_machine: Removed the default values for ept_rvi_mode and hv_mode from the
    virtual machine configuration. (#2172)
  • resource/virtual_machine: Fixed issue when network interfaces, created by Docker, with the same
    deviceConfigId causes an unexpected output. (#2121)


  • resource/virtual_machine: Adds support for specifying a datastore_cluster_id when cloning from
    a vSphere content library. (#2061)

  • resource/guest_os_customization: Adds support for domain_ou for Windows customizations added
    in vSphere 8.0.2. (#2181)

  • Adds resources for vSphere workload management. (#2791)

    • Enable workload management on a cluster.
    • Creatw custom namespaces and VM classes.
    • Choose a content library.
    • Configure passthrough devices for VM classes (e.g. vGPU).
  • resource/vsphere_offline_software_depot: Adds resource to the provider for offline software
    depots. Support for online depots can be added at a later time. Only depots with source type
    "PULL" are supported. This is intentional and aims to discourage the use of the deprecated VUM
    functionality. (#2143)

  • data/vsphere_host_base_images: Adds data source to the provider for base images. Declaring this
    data source allows users to retrieve the full list of available ESXi versions for their
    environment. (#2143)

  • resource/vsphere_compute_cluster: Adds property that serves as an entry point for the vLCM
    configuration. Allows selection of a base image and a list of custom components from a depot.
    Configuring this property for the first time also enables vLCM on the cluster. (#2143)


  • vsphere_folder: Added clarification for storage folders instead of datastore folders. (#2183)
  • resource/virtual_machine: Corrected resource and data source anchor links intended for
    virtual_machine#virtual-machine-customizations. (#2182)


  • provider: Updated to allows the use of a SHA256 thumbprint when connecting to vCenter Server.
    Support for SHA256 was added to vmware/govmomi 0.36.1. (#2184)
  • provider: Updates hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to 2.33.0. (#2137)
  • provider: Updates vmware/govmomi to 0.37.1. (#2174)
  • provider: Updates to 0.23.0. (#2173)
  • provider: Updates to 1.33.0. (#2155)

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