github hashicorp/terraform-provider-google v3.54.0

latest releases: v5.36.0, v5.35.0, v5.34.0...
3 years ago

KNOWN ISSUES: New google_bigquery_table behaviour introduced in this version had unintended consequences, and may incorrectly flag tables for recreation. We expect to revert this for 3.55.0.


  • New Data Source: google_cloud_run_locations (#8192)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_authority (#8233)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_authority_iam_binding (#8249)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_authority_iam_member (#8249)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_authority_iam_policy (#8249)


  • bigquery: made incompatible changes to the google_bigquery_table.schema field to cause the resource to be recreated (#8232)
  • bigtable: fixed an issue where the google_bigtable_instance resource was not inferring the zone from the provider. (#8222)
  • cloudscheduler: fixed unnecessary recreate for google_cloud_scheduler_job (#8248)
  • compute: added scaling_schedules fields to google_compute_autoscaler and google_compute_region_autoscaler (beta) (#8245)
  • compute: fixed an issue where google_compute_region_per_instance_config, google_compute_per_instance_config, google_compute_region_instance_group_manager resources were not inferring the region/zone from the provider. (#8224)
  • memcache: fixed an issue where google_memcached_instance resource was not inferring the region from the provider. (#8188)
  • tpu: fixed an issue where google_tpu_node resource was not inferring the zone from the provider. (#8188)
  • vpcaccess: fixed an issue where google_vpc_access_connector resource was not inferring the region from the provider. (#8188)


  • bigquery: fixed an issue in bigquery_dataset_iam_member where deleted members were not handled correctly (#8231)
  • compute: fixed a perma-diff on google_compute_health_check when log_config.enable is set to false (#8209)
  • notebooks: fixed permadiff on noRemoveDataDisk for google_notebooks_instance (#8246)
  • resourcemanager: fixed an inconsistent result when IAM conditions are specified with google_folder_iam_* (#8235)
  • healthcare: added retry logic on healthcare dataset not initialized error (#8256)

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