github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm v3.17.0

latest releases: v3.111.0, v3.110.0, v3.109.0...
23 months ago


  • domainservice: updating to use API Version 2021-05-01 (#17737)
  • Data Source: azurerm_proximity_placement_group - refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17776)
  • azurerm_api_management - update the sku_name property validation to accept newer Premium SKUs (#17887)
  • azurerm_firewall - the property sku_tier is now updateable (#17577)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - the property instances is now Optional and defaults to 0 (#17836)
  • azurerm_log_analytics_cluster - updated validation for the size_gb property (#17780)
  • azurerm_proximity_placement_group - refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17776)
  • azurerm_shared_image - improved validation for the publisher, offer and sku properties in the identifier block (#17547)
  • azurerm_subnet - support for the service delegation Microsoft.Orbital/orbitalGateway (#17854)
  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace - support for the local_authentication_enabled, public_network_access_enabled, and minimum_tls_version properties (#17194)


  • Data Source: azurerm_private_dns_zone - returning the correct Resource ID when not specifying the resource_group_name (#17729)

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