github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm v3.14.0

latest releases: v3.111.0, v3.110.0, v3.109.0...
24 months ago


  • New Resource: azurerm_application_insights_workbook_template (#17433)
  • New Resource: azurerm_gallery_application (#17394)
  • New Resource: azurerm_gallery_application_version (#17394)


  • dependencies: updating to v0.20220712.1111122 of (#17606)
  • dependencies: updating to v0.37.0 of (#17588)
  • dependencies: updating to v2.18.0 of (#17141)
  • appconfiguration: updating to use API Version 2022-05-01 (#17467)
  • spring: updating to use API Version 2022-05-01-preview (#17467)
  • databricks: refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17475)
  • lighthouse: refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17590)
  • policyremediation: updated to use version 2021-10-01 (#17298)
  • signalr: refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17463)
  • storage: refactoring objectreplicationpolicy to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17471)
  • Data Source: azurerm_availability_set - updating to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17608)
  • Data Source: azurerm_ssh_public_key - refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17609)
  • azurerm_availability_set - updating to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17608)
  • azurerm_container_group - support for the http_headers property (#17519)
  • azurerm_dashboard - refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17598)
  • azurerm_kusto_cluster - support for the public_ip_address property (#17520)
  • azurerm_kusto_script - support for the script_content property (#17522)
  • azurerm_kusto_iothub_data_connection - support for the database_routing_type property (#17526)
  • azurerm_kusto_eventhub_data_connection - support for the database_routing_type property (#17525)
  • azurerm_kusto_eventgrid_data_connection - support for the database_routing_type, eventgrid_resource_id, and managed_identity_resource_id properties (#17524)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for the host_group_id property (#17496)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool - support for the host_group_id property (#17496)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for capacity_reservation_group_id property (#17530)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for the placement property for os disks (#17013)
  • azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for the placement property for os disks (#17013)
  • azurerm_shared_image - support for the end_of_life_date disk_types_not_allowed, max_recommended_vcpu_count, max_recommended_vcpu_count, max_recommended_memory_in_gb, min_recommended_memory_in_gb (#17300)
  • azurerm_signalr_service - Add support for live_trace (#17629)
  • azurerm_ssh_public_key - refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17609)
  • azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob - support for the authentication_mode property (#16652)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for capacity_reservation_group_id property (#17530)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for the placement property for os disks (#17013)


  • azurerm_api_management - correct set the API Management Cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (#17554)
  • azurerm_dev_test_lab_schedule - deleting the schedule during deletion (#17614)
  • azurerm_linux_function_app - set the default_hostname properly on read (#17498)
  • azurerm_linux_function_app_slot - set the default_hostname properly on read (#17498)
  • azurerm_windows_function_app - set the default_hostname properly on read (#17498)
  • azurerm_windows_function_app - correctly create function apps when custom handlers are used (#17498)
  • azurerm_windows_function_app_slot - set the default_hostname properly on read (#17498)
  • azurerm_windows_function_app_slot - correctly create function apps when custom handlers are used (#17498)

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