github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm v2.88.0

latest releases: v3.101.0, v3.100.0, v3.99.0...
2 years ago

2.88.0 (December 02, 2021)


  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_flexible_database (#14285)
  • New Resource: azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_workload_group (#13658)


  • dependencies: upgrading storagecache to API Version 2021-09-01 (#14311)
  • azurerm_app_service - support for the client_cert_mode property (#14395)
  • azurerm_bastion_host - support for sku property (#14370)
  • azurerm_batch_pool - deprecate max_task_retry_count and environment in favour of task_retry_maximum and common_environment_properties for consistency across batch resources (#14368)
  • azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint - support for the fqdns property (#14355)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - support the secure_boot_enabled and vtpm_enabled properties (#13842)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - support the secure_boot_enabled and vtpm_enabled properties (#13842)
  • azurerm_mssql_database - add support for transparent data encryption, behind a 3.0 feature flag [#13748]
  • azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway - support for the internet_security_enabled property (#14345)
  • azurerm_subscription - the tags property can now be set and updated (#14445)


  • azurerm_container_group - allow search_domains and options under the dns_config block to be optional since they are not required by the API (#14419)
  • azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting - fixing the id validator to use the eventhub auth rule id rather than the relay id (#14406)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - handle incorrect casing of kubernetes cluster resource ID with a state migration (#14241)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool - handle incorrect casing of kubernetes cluster resource ID with a state migration (#14241)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_nodepool reverting the computed behaviour of node_taints and eviction_policy (#14378)
  • azurerm_storage_account - populating the account cache on creation, which fixes an issue when the storage account occasionally couldn't be found (#14361)

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