github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm v2.48.0

latest releases: v3.111.0, v3.110.0, v3.109.0...
3 years ago

2.48.0 (February 18, 2021)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_application_gateway (#10268)


  • dependencies: updating to build using Go 1.16 which adds support for darwin/arm64 (Apple Silicon) (#10615)
  • dependencies: updating to v51.2.0 (#10561)
  • Data Source: azurerm_bastion_host - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • Data Source: azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • Data Source: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - exposing the upgrade_settings block (#10376)
  • Data Source: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool - exposing the upgrade_settings block (#10376)
  • Data Source: azurerm_route - pdating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • Data Source: azurerm_subnet - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • Data Source: azurerm_subscriptions - adding the field id to the subscriptions block (#10598)
  • Data Source: azurerm_virtual_network - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_bastion_host - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_bastion_host - support for enhanced import validation (#10570)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for configuring the upgrade_settings block (#10376)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for automatic_channel_upgrade (#10530)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for skip_nodes_with_local_storage within the auto_scaler_profile block (#10531)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for skip_nodes_with_system_pods within the auto_scaler_profile block (#10531)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool - support for configuring the upgrade_settings block (#10376)
  • azurerm_lighthouse_definition - add support for principal_id_display_name property (#10613)
  • azurerm_log_analytics_workspace - Support for capacity_reservation_level property and CapacityReservation SKU (#10612)
  • azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway - support for enhanced import validation (#10570)
  • azurerm_route - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_route - support for enhanced import validation (#10570)
  • azurerm_subnet - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_subnet - support for enhanced import validation (#10570)
  • synapse_workspace_resource - support for the azure_devops_repo and github_repo blocks (#10157)
  • azurerm_virtual_network - updating to use a Resource ID Formatter (#10570)
  • azurerm_virtual_network - support for enhanced import validation (#10570)


  • azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription - change the number of possible advanced_filter items from 5 to 25 (#10625)
  • azurerm_key_vault - normalizing the casing on the certificate_permissions, key_permissions, secret_permissions and storage_permissions fields within the access_policy block (#10593)
  • azurerm_key_vault_access_policy - normalizing the casing on the certificate_permissions, key_permissions, secret_permissions and storage_permissions fields (#10593)
  • azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule - correctly validate the name property (#10579)
  • azurerm_postgresql_server - correctly change ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced on update (#10606)
  • azurerm_private_endpoint - only updating the associated Private DNS Zone Group when there's changes (#10559)
  • azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment - fixing an issue where the API version for nested items couldn't be found during deletion (#10565)

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