github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm v2.43.0

latest releases: v3.101.0, v3.100.0, v3.99.0...
3 years ago

2.43.0 (January 14, 2021)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template (#7020)


  • Data Source: azurerm_api_management - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • Data Source: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • Data Source: azurerm_virtual_machine - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • Data Source: azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_api_management - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_app_service - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_app_service_slot - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_container_group - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support for analytical_storage_enabled property (#10055)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph - support the default_ttl property (#10159)
  • azurerm_data_factory - support for public_network_enabled (#9605)
  • azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text - support for the compression_type property (#10070)
  • azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_sql_server: support for the key_vault_password block (#10032)
  • azurerm_eventgrid_domain - support for the public_network_access_enabled and inbound_ip_rule properties (#9922)
  • azurerm_eventgrid_topic - support for the public_network_access_enabled and inbound_ip_rule properties (#9922)
  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace - support the trusted_service_access_enabled property (#10169)
  • azurerm_function_app - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_function_app_slot - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_kusto_cluster - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_security_center_automation - the field event_source within the source block now supports SecureScoreControls and SecureScores (#10126)
  • azurerm_synapse_workspace - support for the sql_identity_control_enabled property (#10033)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation on the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)


  • Data Source: azurerm_log_analytics_workspace - returning the Resource ID in the correct casing (#10162)
  • azurerm_advanced_threat_protection - fix a regression in the Resouce ID format (#10190)
  • azurerm_api_management - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_app_service - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_app_service_slot - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_application_gateway - ensuring the casing on identity_ids within the identity block (#10031)
  • azurerm_blueprint_assignment - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_container_group - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_databricks_workspace - changing the sku no longer always forces a new resource to be created (#9541)
  • azurerm_function_app - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_function_app_slot - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - ensuring the casing of the user_assigned_identity_id field within the kubelet_identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_kusto_cluster - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting - handling mixed casing of the EventHub Namespace Authorization Rule ID (#10104)
  • azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine - address persistent diff and use relative expiry for service principal password (#10125)
  • azurerm_role_assignment - fix race condition in read after create (#10134)
  • azurerm_role_definition - address eventual consistency issues in update and delete (#10170)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - ensuring the casing of the identity_ids field within the identity block (#10105)

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