github hashicorp/terraform-provider-azuread v2.34.0

latest releases: v2.53.1, v2.53.0, v2.52.0...
16 months ago


  • Provider: All resources will now explicitly use the Microsoft Graph v1.0 API unless stated otherwise in the provider documentation (#990)
  • data.azuread_application - support the description attribute (#991)
  • azuread_application - support app role and scope values up to 249 characters (#1010)


  • Provider: Support authentication scenarios where the oid claim is missing from the access token (#1014)
  • data.azuread_application_template - revert a workaround from v2.31.0 and no longer use the beta API for this data source (#987)
  • azuread_application - work around an API bug where mapped_claims_enabled could be set on create when holding the Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy role (#1008)

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