github hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws v4.66.0

latest releases: v5.56.1, v5.56.0, v5.55.0...
14 months ago


  • resource/aws_instance: The cpu_core_count argument is deprecated in favor of the cpu_options block. The cpu_options block can set core_count (#31035)
  • resource/aws_instance: The cpu_threads_per_core argument is deprecated in favor of the cpu_options block. The cpu_options block can set threads_per_core (#31035)


  • New Data Source: aws_appintegrations_event_integration (#24965)
  • New Data Source: aws_dms_replication_instance (#15406)
  • New Data Source: aws_vpclattice_auth_policy (#30898)
  • New Data Source: aws_vpclattice_service_network (#30904)
  • New Resource: aws_account_primary_contact (#26123)
  • New Resource: aws_appintegrations_data_integration (#24941)
  • New Resource: aws_chimesdkvoice_voice_profile_domain (#30977)
  • New Resource: aws_directory_service_trust (#31037)
  • New Resource: aws_vpclattice_access_log_subscription (#30896)
  • New Resource: aws_vpclattice_auth_policy (#30891)
  • New Resource: aws_vpclattice_resource_policy (#30900)
  • New Resource: aws_vpclattice_target_group_attachment (#31039)


  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add max_instance_lifetime attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add mixed_instances_policy attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add predicted_capacity attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add suspended_processes attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add tag attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add warm_pool_size attribute (#31067)
  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add warm_pool attribute (#31067)
  • datasource/aws_launch_template: Add amd_sev_snp attribute (#31035)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Add metrics to the target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration.customized_metric_specification configuration block in support of metric math (#30172)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Add arn attribute (#30172)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Add tags argument and tags_all attribute to support resource tagging (#30172)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add predicted_capacity attribute (#31067)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add warm_pool_size attribute (#31067)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_conditional_forwarder: Add plan time validation for remote_domain_name (#31037)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory: Correct plan time validation for remote_domain_name (#31037)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_user: Add support for defining custom timeouts (#31076)
  • resource/aws_fsx_lustre_file_system: Add root_squash_configuration argument (#31073)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_database: Add tagging support (#31071)
  • resource/aws_grafana_workspace: Make grafana_version optional so that its value can be specified in configuration (#31083)
  • resource/aws_instance: Add amd_sev_snp argument (#31035)
  • resource/aws_instance: Add cpu_options argument (#31035)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for java17 runtime value (#31027)
  • resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support for java17 compatible_runtimes value (#31028)
  • resource/aws_launch_template: Add amd_sev_snp argument (#31035)
  • resource/aws_medialive_channel: Added H265 support. (#30908)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_role_association: Add configurable Create and Delete timeouts (#31015)
  • resource/aws_redshift_scheduled_action: Add plan time validation for name argument (#31020)
  • resource/aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup: Add support for defining custom timeouts (#31054)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Add domain_settings.r_studio_server_pro_domain_settings, default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.model_register_settings, and default_user_settings.r_studio_server_pro_app_settings arguments (#31031)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration: Add async_inference_config.output_config.notification_config.include_inference_response_in and async_inference_config.output_config.s3_failure_path arguments (#31070)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Add user_settings.canvas_app_settings.model_register_settings and user_settings.r_studio_server_pro_app_settings arguments (#31072)
  • resource/aws_servicecatalog_provisioning_artifact: Add provisioning_artifact_id attribute (#31086)
  • resource/aws_sfn_state_machine: Add configurable timeouts (#31097)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add 'aws_spot_fleet_request.context' argument (#30918)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Add tunnel1_enable_tunnel_lifecycle_control and tunnel2_enable_tunnel_lifecycle_control arguments (#31064)


  • data-source/aws_nat_gateway: Guarantee that all attributes are set when the NAT Gateway is associated with a single address (#31118)
  • data-source/aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy: Add firewall_policy.stateful_rule_group_reference.override attribute, fixing setting firewall_policy: Invalid address to set error (#31089)
  • resource/aws_connect_routing_profile: Remove the limit on the maximum number of queues that can be associated with a routing profile. Batch processing is now done when there are more than 10 queues associated or disassociated at a time. (#30895)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Consider delete-precheck a valid pending state for resource deletion (#31047)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_enabler: Correctly supports LAMBDA resource scanning (#31038)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_enabler: Correctly supports multiple accounts (#31038)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_enabler: No longer calls Disable API for status checking (#31038)
  • resource/aws_nat_gateway: Guarantee that all attributes are set when the NAT Gateway is associated with a single address (#31118)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Consider delete-precheck a valid pending state for resource deletion (#31047)
  • resource/aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product: Changes in the provisioning_artifact_name attribute are now reflected correctly in AWS (#26371)
  • resource/aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product: Fix product_name update handling (#31094)

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