github hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws v4.44.0

latest releases: v5.56.1, v5.56.0, v5.55.0...
19 months ago


  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_storage_virtual_machine: The subtype attribute will always have the value "DEFAULT" (#28085)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: excluded_rule on managed_rule_group_statement has been deprecated. All configurations using excluded_rule should be updated to use the new rule_action_override attribute instead (#27954)


  • resource/aws_api_gateway_deployment: Add import support (#28030)
  • resource/aws_kinesisanalyticsv2_application: Add support for FLINK-1_15 runtime_environment value (#28099)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add snap_start attribute (#28097)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Support rule_action_override on managed_rule_group_statement (#27954)


  • resource/aws_instance: Change iam_instance_profile to Computed as the value may be configured via a launch template (#27972)

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