github hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework v1.3.0

latest releases: v1.8.0, v1.7.0, v1.6.1...
12 months ago


  • datasource/schema: The Schema type Validate() method has been deprecated in preference of ValidateImplementation() (#699)
  • provider/metaschema: The Schema type Validate() method has been deprecated in preference of ValidateImplementation() (#699)
  • provider/schema: The Schema type Validate() method has been deprecated in preference of ValidateImplementation() (#699)
  • resource/schema: The Schema type Validate() method has been deprecated in preference of ValidateImplementation() (#699)


  • datasource/schema: Added Schema type ValidateImplementation() method, which performs framework-defined schema validation and can be used in unit testing (#699)
  • provider/metaschema: Added Schema type ValidateImplementation() method, which performs framework-defined schema validation and can be used in unit testing (#699)
  • provider/schema: Added Schema type ValidateImplementation() method, which performs framework-defined schema validation and can be used in unit testing (#699)
  • resource/schema: Added Schema type ValidateImplementation() method, which performs framework-defined schema validation and can be used in unit testing (#699)
  • datasource/schema: Raise validation errors if attempting to use top-level for_each attribute name, which requires special Terraform configuration syntax to be usable by the data source (#704)
  • resource/schema: Raise validation errors if attempting to use top-level for_each attribute name, which requires special Terraform configuration syntax to be usable by the resource (#704)
  • datasource/schema: Raise validation errors if attempting to use attribute names with leading numerics (0-9), which are invalid in the Terraform configuration language (#705)
  • provider/schema: Raise validation errors if attempting to use attribute names with leading numerics (0-9), which are invalid in the Terraform configuration language (#705)
  • resource/schema: Raise validation errors if attempting to use attribute names with leading numerics (0-9), which are invalid in the Terraform configuration language (#705)
  • all: Improved SDK logging performance when messages would be skipped due to configured logging level (#744)


  • datasource/schema: Raise errors with ListAttribute, MapAttribute, ObjectAttribute, and SetAttribute implementations instead of panics when missing required AttributeTypes or ElementTypes fields (#699)
  • provider/metaschema: Raise errors with ListAttribute, MapAttribute, ObjectAttribute, and SetAttribute implementations instead of panics when missing required AttributeTypes or ElementTypes fields (#699)
  • provider/schema: Raise errors with ListAttribute, MapAttribute, ObjectAttribute, and SetAttribute implementations instead of panics when missing required AttributeTypes or ElementTypes fields (#699)
  • resource/schema: Raise errors with ListAttribute, MapAttribute, ObjectAttribute, and SetAttribute implementations instead of panics when missing required AttributeTypes or ElementTypes fields (#699)
  • tfsdk: Raise framework errors instead of generic upstream errors or panics when encountering unexpected values with Set() methods (#715)

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