github hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework v0.7.0

latest releases: v1.9.0, v1.8.0, v1.7.0...
2 years ago


  • tfsdk: Providers may now optionally remove RemoveResource() calls from Resource type Delete methods (#301)
  • tfsdk: The NewProtocol6Server() function has been deprecated in preference of providerserver.NewProtocol6() and providerserver.NewProtocol6WithError() functions, which will simplify muxing and testing implementations. The tfsdk.NewProtocol6Server() function will be removed in the next minor version. (#308)
  • tfsdk: The ResourceImportStateNotImplemented() function has been deprecated. Instead, the ImportState method can be removed from the Resource and the framework will automatically return an error diagnostic if import is attempted. (#297)
  • tfsdk: The Resource interface no longer requires the ImportState method. A separate ResourceWithImportState interface now defines the same ImportState method. (#297)
  • tfsdk: The Serve() function has been deprecated in preference of the providerserver.Serve() function. The tfsdk.Serve() function will be removed in the next minor version. (#308)
  • tfsdk: The ServeOpts type has been deprecated in preference of the providerserver.ServeOpts type. When migrating, the Name field has been replaced with Address. The tfsdk.ServeOpts type will be removed in the next minor version. (#308)
  • tfsdk: The previously unexported server type has been temporarily exported to aid in the migration to the new providerserver package. It is not intended for provider developer usage and will be moved into an internal package in the next minor version. (#308)


  • Introduced providerserver package, which contains all functions and types necessary for serving a provider in production or acceptance testing. (#308)
  • tfsdk: Added optional ResourceWithUpgradeState interface, which allows for provider defined logic when the UpgradeResourceState RPC is called (#292)


  • tfsdk: Added DEBUG level logging for all framework handoffs to provider defined logic (#300)
  • tfsdk: Added ResourceWithImportState interface, which allows Resource implementations to optionally define the ImportState method. (#297)
  • tfsdk: Added automatic (DeleteResourceResponse.State).RemoveResource() call after Resource type Delete method execution if there are no errors (#301)

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