github hashicorp/nomad v0.12.0-beta1

pre-release4 years ago


  • Preemption: Preemption is now an open source feature
  • Licensing (Enterprise): Nomad Enterprise now requires a license [GH-8076]
  • Multiregion Deployments (Enterprise): Nomad Enterprise now allows running deployments to multiple regions. [GH-8184]
  • Snapshot Backup and Restore: Nomad eases disaster recovery with new endpoints and commands for point-in-time snapshots.
  • Container Network Interface (CNI): Support for third-party vendors using the CNI plugin system. [GH-7518]
  • Multi-interface Networking: Support for scheduling on specific network interfaces. [GH-8208]


  • core: Support for persisting previous task group counts when updating a job [GH-8168]
  • core: Block Job.Scale actions when the job is under active deployment [GH-8187]
  • api: Persist previous count with scaling events [GH-8167]
  • api: Support querying for jobs and allocations across all namespaces [GH-8192]
  • build: Updated to Go 1.14.4 [GH-8172]
  • server: Added raft_multiplier config to tweak Raft related timeouts [GH-8082]


  • cli: Fixed malformed alloc status address list when listing more than 1 address [GH-8161]
  • client: Fixed a bug where stdout/stderr were not properly reopened for community task drivers. [GH-8155]
  • driver/docker: Fixed a bug to set correct value for memory-swap when using memory_hard_limit [GH-8153]

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