github hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler v0.3.1

latest releases: nightly, v0.4.4, v0.4.3...
3 years ago

0.3.1 (April 01, 2021)


  • Fixed Value Strategy: A strategy plugin that scales to a constant configured value [GH-436]
  • Pass Through Strategy: A strategy plugin uses the APM metric value as the output desired value [GH-433]
  • plugins/target: Horizontal cluster scaling targets can now configure node_selector_strategy to control the process which identifies nodes for termination [GH-435]


  • agent: Add CLI flags to configure policy evaluation [GH-421]
  • agent (Enterprise): Add CLI flags to configure Dynamic Application Sizing [GH-422]
  • plugins/target/aws-asg: Use single ASG call rather than split ASG/EC2 on scale-in [GH-425]
  • policy: Make query optional inside checks with strategies that don't require an APM [GH-442]


  • agent: Updated hashicorp/go-hclog to v0.15.0 to include several fixes [GH-434]
  • agent: Updated hashicorp/hcl/v2 to v2.9.1 to include several panic fixes [GH-434]
  • agent: Updated mitchellh/cli to v1.1.2 to include a fix to auto-complete [GH-434]
  • agent: Updated armon/go-metrics to v0.3.6 to include a fix to the Prometheus sink [GH-434]
  • agent: Only allow querying Prometheus formatted metrics if Prometheus is enabled within the config [GH-416]
  • agent: Updated hashicorp/go-multierror to v1.1.1 to include a panic fix when using wrapped errors [GH-434]
  • agent: Fix an issue that could cause the agent to panic depending on the order configuration files were loaded [GH-420]
  • policy: Prevent panic on policy monitoring [GH-428]
  • policy: Ensure metric emitters use the correct context and are stopped when appropriate [GH-408]

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