github hashicorp/consul v1.21.0-rc1

pre-release3 days ago

1.21.0-rc1 (March 06, 2025)



  • config: add UseSNI flag in remote JSONWebKeySet
    agent: send TLS SNI in remote JSONWebKeySet [GH-22177]
  • v2: remove HCP Link integration [GH-21883]


  • raft: add a configuration raft_prevote_disabled to allow disabling raft prevote [GH-21758]
  • raft: update raft library to 1.7.0 which include pre-vote extension [GH-21758]
  • SubMatView: Log level change from ERROR to INFO for subject materialized view as subscription creation is retryable on ACL change. [GH-22141]
  • ui: Adds a copyable token accessor/secret on the settings page when signed in [GH-22105]
  • xDS: Log level change from ERROR to INFO for xDS delta discovery request. Stream can be cancelled on server shutdown and other scenarios. It is retryable and error is a superfluous log. [GH-22141]


  • logging: Fixed compilation error for OS NetBSD. [GH-22184]

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