github hashicorp/consul v1.13.0-alpha1

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pre-release22 months ago

1.13.0-alpha1 (June 15, 2022)


  • config-entry: Exporting a specific service name across all namespace is invalid.


  • acl: It is now possible to login and logout using the gRPC API [GH-12935]
  • agent: Added information about build date alongside other version information for Consul. Extended /agent/self endpoint and consul version commands
    to report this. Agent also reports build date in log on startup. [GH-13357]
  • ca: Leaf certificates can now be obtained via the gRPC API: Sign [GH-12787]
  • checks: add UDP health checks.. [GH-12722]
  • grpc: New gRPC endpoint to return envoy bootstrap parameters. [GH-12825]
  • grpc: New gRPC endpoint to return envoy bootstrap parameters. [GH-1717]
  • grpc: New gRPC service and endpoint to return the list of supported consul dataplane features [GH-12695]


  • api: merge-central-config query parameter support added to some catalog and health endpoints to view a fully resolved service definition (especially when not written into the catalog that way). [GH-13001]
  • api: add the ability to specify a path prefix for when consul is behind a reverse proxy or API gateway [GH-12914]
  • connect: add validation to ensure connect native services have a port or socketpath specified on catalog registration.
    This was the only missing piece to ensure all mesh services are validated for a port (or socketpath) specification on catalog registration. [GH-12881]
  • Support Vault namespaces in Connect CA by adding RootPKINamespace and
    IntermediatePKINamespace fields to the config. [GH-12904]
  • acl: Clarify node/service identities must be lowercase [GH-12807]
  • connect: Added a max_inbound_connections setting to service-defaults for limiting the number of concurrent inbound connections to each service instance. [GH-13143]
  • dns: Added support for specifying admin partition in node lookups. [GH-13421]
  • grpc: Add a new ServerDiscovery.WatchServers gRPC endpoint for being notified when the set of ready servers has changed. [GH-12819]
  • telemetry: Added consul.raft.thread.main.saturation and consul.raft.thread.fsm.saturation metrics to measure approximate saturation of the Raft goroutines [GH-12865]
  • telemetry: Added a consul.server.isLeader metric to track if a server is a leader or not. [GH-13304]
  • ui: removed external dependencies for serving UI assets in favor of Go's native embed capabilities [GH-10996]
  • ui: upgrade ember-composable-helpers to v5.x [GH-13394]


  • acl: Fixed a bug where the ACL down policy wasn't being applied on remote errors from the primary datacenter. [GH-12885]
  • agent: Fixed a bug in HTTP handlers where URLs were being decoded twice [GH-13256]
  • deps: Update go-grpc/grpc, resolving connection memory leak [GH-13051]
  • fix a bug that caused an error when creating grpc or http2 ingress gateway listeners with multiple services [GH-13127]
  • proxycfg: Fixed a minor bug that would cause configuring a terminating gateway to watch too many service resolvers and waste resources doing filtering. [GH-13012]
  • raft: upgrade to v1.3.8 which fixes a bug where non cluster member can still be able to participate in an election. [GH-12844]
  • serf: upgrade serf to v0.9.8 which fixes a bug that crashes Consul when serf keyrings are listed [GH-13062]

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