github hashgraph/hedera-services v0.42.0
Hedera Services v0.42.0

latest releases: v0.52.0-alpha.2, v0.51.5, v0.51.4...
9 months ago


Add EIP 2930 support to EthTXData (#7696)

Previously only legacy and type 2 Ethereum transactions were supported. The EIP-2930 transactions can be sent either directly to HAPI via an EthereumTransaction or via the JSON-RPC Relay. The transaction type is used by a few tools such as web3 and etherjs in transaction submission flows and allows supports legacy parameters along with the accessList parameter. Notably, Hedera does not utilize access list logic at this point.

Modify config to support state on disk by default (#8510)

Enables the Data on Disk feature by default. Starting in this release, state will be stored on disk instead of in memory. This is an initial deployment and will enable higher entity maximums in the future.

Disable account balance exports (#8272)

Disables the creation of account balance files. This change is necessary to allow the state to scale to a larger number of entities enabled by the Data on Disk feature without compromising performance. The Hedera mirror node will now produce equivalent account balance snapshots internally.


  • Enable EIP-2930 transactions by default (#7786)
  • 08208 timed recycle bin (#8217)
  • Provide entity and throttle dashboards (#7774)
  • Use same 'build-logic' for 'hedera-node' and 'platform-sdk' (#7330)
  • 07748 Postconsensus signature gathering (#7776)
  • Write gossip events to PCES (#7793, #7841)
  • 07779 Replace codecs with protobuf (#7900)
  • Differential testing analytical engine: Dump accounts, as text
  • Improved metrics for various queues and the transaction pool (#8087, #8249)
  • A number of updates to documentation, especially documentation for tipset algorithm (#7219) and contract nonces design doc (#7331)
  • Various additions and improvements to tooling and log outputs
  • Various configuration changes (#7837, #7880, #7998, #8567)

Modularization Efforts

  • Implement Staking Period Calculator (#7705)
  • Add deleted account beneficiaries to SingleTransactionRecordBuilder
  • Call staking updater via consensus time hook (#7751)
  • 05519 modularize hedera schedule service (#7664)
  • Special file notifications (#7809)
  • Implement fee logic (#7890)
  • Modularized prng system contract (#7906)
  • Add SavepointStack.commit() (#7935)
  • Implement consensus fees calcuations (#7954)
  • 07992 state logging (#8017)
  • 07960 updating the special files handling for throttles (#8072)
  • Implement frontend throttle (#8183)
  • Finish the ContractCallLocal flow for smart contracts (#8211)
  • Align staking property names with HIPs (#8247)
  • Full implementation of genesis account creations. (#8252)
  • Deduplication check in IngestChecker (#8310)
  • Creation and use of @HapiTest and @HapiTestSuite (#7710, #7730, #7794, #7808)
  • A number of business logic fixes to get tests to pass


  • 7570: Remove JasperDB (#7803)
  • Remove support for legacy sync gossip. (#8059)

Bug Fixes

  • Consider emergency reconnect in PlatformStatus system (#7725)
  • 07577 - Fix Uncaught Exception In Platform Core Unit Tests (#7753)
  • Fixed an NPE that occurs when starting via modrun gradle command (#7757)
  • Refresh congestion multipliers in config callback (#7780)
  • Avoid unwanted genesis migration records (#7783)
  • Gui fixed (#7846)
  • 7406: Fix benchmark configuration (#7860)
  • Invalidate empty code for contract-finalized hollow accounts (#7867)
  • 07812 41 fix tipset freeze (#7834) (#7884)
  • Tipset Branching Bug (#7883)
  • Fix publishing staking fund account records (#7930)
  • Handle empty PCES files. (#7940)
  • 07926 mismatched sender owner nft (#7964)
  • 07902 d break tipset deadlock v2 (#7977)
  • Fix round 1 replay (#7979)
  • Fix for 7978: exception for null-tabs fixed (#7991)
  • #8002 Fix Hashgraph Demo (#8005)
  • Fix NettyGRPC non linux (#8062)
  • 08034 Fixed index validation after compaction (#8080)
  • Fix regression in PTT. (#8173)
  • Fix return File instead of optional when call getFileLeaf (#8204)
  • Adjust block creation to account for freeze times (#8323)
  • Fix: IllegalAccessException preventing mono local node run (#8199)
  • Throw on conversion outside long-zero subspace (#8431)
  • 8380: a memory leak in SwirldsPlatform.components (#8506)
  • Fix JRS queryable payer record issue (#8618)
  • Fix getFileMetadata and getFileLeaf that the param will be @nonnull

Note that a number of miscellaneous fixes, refactors, cleanup, and other minor code changes were also incorporated.
See the full changelist for more details: v0.41.4...v0.42.0



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