github hashgraph/hedera-services v0.31.0
Hedera Services 0.31

latest releases: v0.52.0-alpha.4, v0.52.0-alpha.3, v0.52.0-alpha.2...
20 months ago


Services 0.31 completes the following features:

  • HIP-542 roadmap for making payer of the CryptoTransfer sponsor for auto-creation. It also enables auto-creation with Token transfers in addition to Hbar transfers.
  • HIP-564 roadmap for allowing zero unit fungible token transfers
  • HIP-573 roadmap for enabling token creators an option to exempt all of their token’s fee collectors from a custom fee.

In addition to the above features,

  • Adds support of the ERC20/721 transferFrom method for HTS precompiles from HIP-514 roadmap.
  • Enables Smart Contract Traceability.
  • Adds some changes related to testability improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Adds transactionID to the expiration records from the parent transactionID
  • Avoids NullPointerException in case of a contract in state with inconsistent nftsOwned


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

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