github hashgraph/hedera-services v0.20.0
Hedera Services v0.20.0

latest releases: xts-pass-1731116442, xts-pass-1731104724, xts-candidate...
2 years ago

Hedera Services 0.20 is in main a scaffolding release, as our team is working heads-down to deliver the Smart Contract Service refresh with massive new scale and performance; as well as smart contract integration with native tokens created using the Hedera Token Service. The scope of this refresh is significant, and we believe it will be well worth the wait.

The main deliverables in this release are improved automation for node operators to use in software upgrades; and a handful of bug fixes, including for #2432 and #2490.

Please also note the following deprecations in the Hedera API protobufs:


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

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