This release adds support for the storage of the network address books from file 0.0.101
and 0.0.102
in the mirror node database.
The mirror node will now retrieve file address book contents which include node identifiers and their public keys from the database instead of the file system at startup.
This sets the stage for an additional feature which is the State Proof alpha REST API at /transactions/${transactionId}/stateproof
With this release it is possible to request the address book, record file and signature files that contain the contents of a transaction and allow for cryptographic verification of the transaction. Mirror node users can now actively verify submitted transactions for themselves.
Other changes include support for continuous deployment (CD) using Github Actions that use FluxCD to deploy master versions to a Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, this release includes fixes to the database copy operation optimization and improved handling of buffer size used when copying large topic messages.
- Bump version for v0.17.0 #987
- Bump versions for v0.17.0-rc1 #952
- Continuously deploy to development #944
- State proof alpha REST API #934
- Store address book in DB #894
- State proof REST API #865
- Store the address book in the database #796
Bug Fixes
- Fix action job name #947
- Update SqlProperties bufferSize to handle large topic messages effectively #935
- Fix BalanceFileParserTest failure #933
- Database connection failed when canceling copy operation #932
- incorrect values passed to EntityId.fromString in transactions.js #895
- Multiple PostgreSQL containers running concurrently during tests #800
Dependency Upgrades
- Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7 #943
- Bump grpc.version from 1.29.0 to 1.31.0 #942
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-dependencies from 1.2.2.RELEASE to 1.2.4.RELEASE #941
- Bump jib-maven-plugin from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 #939
- Bump cucumber.version from 6.2.2 to 6.4.0 #928
- Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M4 to 3.0.0-M5 #927
- Bump s3mock_2.12 from 0.2.5 to 0.2.6 #926
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR6 to Hoxton.SR7 #925
- Bump codecov from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest #924
- Bump node-cache from 5.1.0 to 5.1.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest #923
- Bump jest from 26.1.0 to 26.2.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest #922
- Bump jest from 26.1.0 to 26.2.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest/monitoring/monitor_apis #921
- Bump log4js from 4.5.1 to 6.3.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest #879
- Bump log4js from 4.5.1 to 6.3.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest/monitoring/monitor_apis #878
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!