⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: This is a pre-release, do not upgrade to it from any versions. We don't support upgrading from this version to a later version either.
Full ISO
💿 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-amd64.iso
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-vmlinuz-amd64
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-initrd-amd64
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-rootfs-amd64.squashfs
✅ https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-amd64.sha512
📝 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/version.yaml
Net Install ISO
💿 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-amd64-net-install.iso
📝 https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v1.3/install/net-install/
ARM64 (Technical Preview)
💿 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-arm64.iso
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-vmlinuz-arm64
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-initrd-arm64
📁 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-rootfs-arm64.squashfs
✅ https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/harvester-v1.4.2-rc2-arm64.sha512
📝 https://releases.rancher.com/harvester/v1.4.2-rc2/version-arm64.yaml
Ready for Testing
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] DHCP Check for Default Route breaks when using Static IP Addresses in Automated Mode - #7705
- [backport v1.4] [GUI] [BUG] Backups not appearing on second cluster using shared backup storage - #7694
- [BUG] Upgrade from v1.4.1 to v1.4.2-rc1 stuck in first node
- #7647
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] VM controller calculates ResourceQuota with wrong assumption - #7707
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Fix the race between Rancher and Harvester on resourcequota when VM is migrating - #7216
- [BUG] Stuck in deleting modal when deleting VM with Rancher Integration mode - #6840
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Backups not appearing on second cluster using shared backup storage - #7670
- [BUG] Create dhcp load balancer pending on RKE2 guest cluster with sles15 image - #7664
- [BUG] During and after upgrade, see message "Reached expected number of succeeded pods" - #7605
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Join fails when using custom CA certs - #7597
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Stuck upgrade from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 - #7574
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] The hints on the branding page is using the wrong product name - #7571
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Harvester v1.4.1 IP exhaustion - #7550
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Harvester managedchart report
post-upgrade hooks (longhorn-post-upgrade) failed: context deadline exceeded
- #7530 - [backport v1.4] [BUG] Harvester managedchart is marked as
harvester-snapshot-validation-webhook modified
- #7512 - [TASK] Bump Kubevirt v1.3 for Harvester v1.4.2 - #7498
- [TASK] Bump Kubevirt v1.3 for Harvester v1.4.2 - #7497
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Fail to trigger v1.4.0 to v1.4.1-rc1 upgrade on witness cluster due to managed chart harvester is not ready - #7414
- [backport v1.4] [ENHANCEMENT] Do not shutdown harvester upgrade-repo VMs in multiple-node cluster upgrade scenario - #7374
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] Migrated VMs seem not to move in Host/Virtual Machines view - #7345
- [BUG] rancher-vcluster: rancher v2.8.2 is too old to use with harvester v1.4.0 - #7337
- [ENHANCEMENT] Bump Rancher/RKE2 for v1.4.2 - #7320
- [backport v1.4] [ENHANCEMENT][GUI] cluster output select dropdown should show meaningful sentence if no options available - #7305
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] [UI] Missing vnc reconnecting label - #7304
- [backport v1.4] [BUG] [UI] Missing vnc reconnecting label - #7303
- [backport v1.4] [ENHANCEMENT] DeviceName (Resource Name) in HostDevices/GPUs should be verified - #7298
- [backport v1.4] [ENHANCEMENT][GUI] Disable Schedule Filter if there is no backups/snapshots created by schedule job - #6950
Component Versions
Component | Version |
Longhorn | v1.7.2 |
KubeVirt | v1.3.1 |
Embedded Rancher | v2.10.1 |
RKE2 | v1.31.4+rke2r1 |
SLE Micro for Rancher | 5.5 |