github harmony-one/harmony v1.2.3
mainnet release v1.2.3 - 20200207.0

latest releases: v2024.0.0, v2023.4.2, v2023.4.1...
4 years ago

changes included in this release

  • hmyv2 RPC API support of the decimal numeric value in output
  • one-off beacon chain bad block fix
  • blacklist of account support in txpool
  • static binary release support
  • estimateGas support in RPC

The upgrade of mainnet nodes is not mandatory for all the existing nodes, and you should be able to keep earning block rewards with the previous release. To use the prebuilt static linked binary, you need to upgrade the after we publish the binary and script. Or you may build the release code from the s3 branch.

To download the latest, using

curl -LO
chmod +x

To download and start the using -I option to get the static binary.

To check if you are using the static binary, using

file harmony

and you will see

harmony: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0

Now you can run ./harmony -version to check the version of the harmony binary.

Harmony (C) 2019. harmony, version v5017-v1.2.3-2-g58784396 (jenkins@ 2020-02-11T08:37:33+0000)

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