github halide/Halide v13.0.0
Halide 13.0.0

latest releases: v17.0.2, v17.0.1, v17.0.0...
2 years ago

We are pleased to announce the release of Halide 13.0.0!

This is a major release. Most notably, Halide now requires C++17 (or higher).

You can download one of our binary releases here, or check one of the following package repositories (they might take some time to be updated):

Language and Compiler

  • The compiler now requires C++17 or higher. (#5282)
  • Overloads of realize() that were deprecated in Halide 12 are now removed. (#6122, #6162)
  • Added new predicated tail strategies for split loops. (#6126)
  • Added a more fine-grained prefetch directive. (#6155)
  • Compiler now always runs in a separate 32MB stack on all platforms. (#6239)
  • Fixed a semantics bug where data-dependent loads might be uninitialized on over-compute. (#6294)
  • Using MemoryType::Stack may now trigger a real stack allocation for dynamically-sized allocations discovered to be small at runtime (#6289)


  • Simplifier improvements saw a >10% reduction in peak memory usage in many apps, including camera_pipe, harris, nl_means, and stencil_chain. (#6174)
  • The ARM backend now supports native 16-bit float instructions (#6102)
  • Division by non-power-of-two unsigned constants is now faster on X86 (#6322)
  • The WebAssembly backend is mature enough for significant production use (See


  • Fixed an issue with add_halide_library on Xcode, which requires at least one source file for every target. (#6175)
  • Added a watchdog timer to the Halide generator executables (i.e. GenGen.cpp). (#6184, #6240)
  • Fixed a missing dependency on Threads::Threads in CMake (#6257)
  • The tutorials and readmes are now packaged to the doc dir. The documentation has been moved one level deeper to share/doc/Halide/html (#6267)

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