github guopenghui/obsidian-quiet-outline 0.3.35

5 days ago


Problem described in #179

This improvement will take effect in the "next" update! (because in this update, plugin to be unloaded is the previous version(0.3.34), so improvement in 0.3.25 doesn't be included. in next update, changes in 0.3.35 will take effect.
And you need to reopen outline panel manually for once (use command "quiet outline")


解决 #179 中描述的,更新插件时会把面板重置到右边的问题。

这次更新的效果,要到下次更新时才会起效。 因为本次更新时,被卸载的版本是之前的 0.3.34,所以 0.3.35 里面的修改没有效果。
而且注意:这次更新后面板会被关闭,你需要手动打开它一次(用quiet outline这个命令)

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