github gunthercox/ChatterBot 1.0.0a2
1.0 Alpha 2

latest releases: 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.1.0a7...
pre-release5 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Implement skipped comparison tests (fix issues found as a result) #1436


  • Add tests for filtering statements by their tags #1191
  • Add a common module for code shared between input and output adapters #1425
  • Add a persona filed to statements to track the speaker #1431

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Use the ChatBot logger when training #1424
  • Remove the set_chatbot method from input adapters, output adapters, and logic adapters #1427
  • The Statement object no longer accepts a text string as a positional argument, instead it should be passed in as a named argument e.g. Statement(text='example'). #1433
  • The get_response( methods now can accept kwargs for an input item, for example: get_response('Hello', conversation='greetings'). #1433
  • The VariableInputTypeAdapter is now just called InputAdapter (similar to how the OutputAdapter is set up). #1433

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