github guardianproject/orbot 16.3.3-RC-1-tor-
Orbot 16.3.3 RC-1 tor-

latest releases: 17.2.1-RC-1-tor-, languagedemo, 17.1.1-RC-1-tor-
3 years ago

/** 16.3.3-RC-1-tor- / 20 November 2020 **/
daa2e7b (HEAD -> master) update version code to 1633300100
e88c84a (origin/master, origin/HEAD) remove quotes from string
a215898 (tag: 16.3.3-BETA-2-tor- update version to 1633100200
d6ebcd7 improve logic for start/stop/reconnect of tor to handle orphaned processes - if someone rapidly stops/starts tor, there can be a case where a tor process is launched and not shutdown. This can cur
rently cause the UI to hang and be unable to start tor or connecting to an exsiting control port.
68aa65b externalize log strings
9a21cd6 Merge branch 'master' of
05e9dd8 Merge pull request #412 from bitmold/IPtProxy_aar_module
e81e50c Merge branch 'master' of
a5a146c Made IPtProxy a module, only ship app with one AAR file
4a39df4 added maxSdkVersion18 for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE prem
9a7ef0d deleted superflous comments
5ef1da7 removed unused constants/warnings
3afa761 (tag: 16.3.3-BETA-1-tor- update version code to 1633100100
317923b Merge pull request #411 from guardianproject/dev_iptproxy
42b6513 (origin/dev_iptproxy, dev_iptproxy) remove unused bridge list loop
8d7a79a add use IPtProxy function
4e7ecde use IPtProxy instead of the AndroidPT dependency
be40bf5 modifying dependencies to support use of AAR for IPtProxy (temporarily)
b300634 the main app needs access to the aar for building as well
0e33a65 add IPtProxy as aar for now
075c6dd update gradle and tools
50ee0d6 small changes to ensure handling of auto start on boot

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