github gssariev/overr-syncerr v1.0.6

latest releases: v1.0.6.2, v1.0.6.1
13 days ago

What's New

  • User Audio Preferences: The script selects the best audio track based on user preferences for language, codec, and channel count, using a fallback system. It prioritizes tracks in order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). If no match is found by language, it looks for a matching codec. If that also fails, it checks the channel count. If none of these match, the script defaults to the track marked as ‘default’ in the media. Additionally, the script generates a default user audio preference JSON file that can be edited to customize preferences as needed.
  • Retrieve User Access Tokens: The script generates a JSON file containing usernames and their access tokens for your server. Requires your server’s client ID. Can be retrieved at{your_admin_token} look for clientID that corresponds with your server name.
  • Kometa Integration: Automatically triggers Kometa when new media becomes available to apply overlays, create collections, and more.

For the above to work you must have ENABLE_MEDIA_AVAILABLE_HANDLING set to 'true' as well as the variables below.

New ENV Variables

KOMETA_CONFIG_PATH: YOUR_KOMETA_CONFIG_PATH (Example: C:\pmm/config:/config:rw)
ENABLE_AUDIO_PREF: "true" #Set to false if you don't want to use this option
ENABLE_KOMETA: "true" #Set to false if you don't want to use this option

- /path/to/config:/mnt/usr #The location where the JSON files will be saved
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock #To access the Kometa docker container

Full Changelog: v1.0.5.1...v1.0.6

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