github gruntwork-io/terragrunt v0.76.3

latest releases: v0.76.8, v0.76.7, v0.76.6...
8 days ago

🛠️ Breaking Changes

find --sort=dag changed to find --dag

The experimental find command no longer has a --sort flag. Instead the ability to sort configurations according to their position in the DAG has been replaced with the dedicated --dag flag, which puts the command in "DAG Mode". These changes have been done to allow for closer parity in the behavior of find and list.

# Before
terragrunt find --sort=dag

# After
terragrunt find --dag

✨ New Features

Introduction of the list command

As part of the CLI Redesign experiment, the list command has been introduced. As with other new features, usage requires enabling the CLI Redesign experiment.

The list command helps you discover and display Terragrunt configurations in your codebase. It provides various output formats and options to help you understand the structure and dependencies of your Terragrunt configurations.

The list command is very similar to the find command. It uses the same backend logic for configuration discovery. It also supports very similar flags and configuration options.

Generally, the list command is optimized for displaying configurations in a format that is easy for a human to read and understand, so there are more configuration options, and the output is more verbose. Output from the list command can vary significantly depending on the flags used, and the output structure is more variable than that of the find command.

Use the list command when you want to visualize your Terragrunt configurations in a human-readable format. Use the find command when you want to programmatically search for configurations in your codebase.


By default, the list command will display all discovered configurations with some spacing to display as many as it can on each line.


When the size of the output exceeds the width of the terminal, entries will be broken into multiple lines.


Users can additionally request that the --long format is used, which breaks the results over individual lines for each discovered configuration.


Like with the find command, users can optionally request that dependencies be displayed.


The final format that the list command supports is the tree format:


Like with the find command, the list command supports the --dag flag which sorts and groups results according to their relative positions in the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).


For more information read the documentation in list.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.76.2...v0.76.3

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