github groovy/GMavenPlus 1.12.0

latest releases: 3.0.2, 3.0.1, 3.0.0...
3 years ago


  • [#183] The classloader project dependencies are loaded onto is reused between modules, so each module was a superset of all modules that preceded it. Also, the console, execute, and shell mojos didn't pass the classloader to use into the instantiated GroovyConsole/GroovyShell, so it accidentally was using the plugin classloader, even when configured to use PROJECT_ONLY classpath.



Potentially breaking changes

This should be a non-breaking change (except for unusual situations that were relying on the previous incorrect behavior). However, since it's a significant change, I'm bumping the version by more than just the patch version.


This potentially runs slower than before, since a new classloader is instantiated each execution, rather than resuing the same classloader, so the classes referenced will have to be reinitialized.

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