github groovy/GMavenPlus 1.10.0

latest releases: 4.0.1, 4.0.0, 3.0.2...
4 years ago




  • Change default GroovyDoc jar artifact type to javadoc, so its extension gets set to "jar" by the artifact handler instead of "groovydoc" by the default handler logic which uses the type for the extension in the case of unknown types (#151).

Potentially breaking changes

  • GroovyDoc jars and test GroovyDoc jars will now be of type "javadoc" and have extension "jar".  Rather than type and extension "groovydoc".  If you do not wish to transition to this new behavior, set the new artifactType or testArtifactType property to "groovydoc" to revert to the previous behavior.


  • While the artifact type of GroovyDoc jars has changed, the Maven classifier has not.  It remains "groovydoc", and you can still override that, just as before.

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