github gridstack/gridstack.js v0.6.0

latest releases: v10.1.1, v10.1.0, v10.0.1...
4 years ago
  • add float(val) to set/get the grid float mode, which will relayout #1088
  • add compact() to reclaim any empty space and relayout grid items #1101
  • add options.dragOut to let user drag nested grid items out of a parent or not (default false) and jQuery UI draggable.containment can now be specified in options. You can now drag&drop between 2 nested grids #1105
  • add % as a valid unit for height #1093. thank you @trevisanweb @aureality @ZoolWay
  • fix callbacks to get either added, removed, change or combination if adding a node require also to change its (x,y) for example. Also you can now call batchUpdate() before calling a bunch of addWidget() and get a single event callback (more efficient). #1096
    NOTE BREAKING: if your code expected to always get change callback to do something you may have to listen to added|removed events as well.
  • removeAll() is now much faster (no relayout) and calls removed event just once with a list #1097
  • setColumn() complete re-write and is no longer "Experimental". We now do a reasonable job at sizing/position the widgets (especially 1 column) and also now cache each column layout so you can go back to say 12 column and not loose original layout. #1098
  • fix addWidget(el) (no data) would not render item at correct location, and overlap item at (0,0) #1098
  • you can now pre-define size of dragable elements from a sidebar using standard data-gs-width and data-gs-height - fix #413, #914, #918, #922, #933 thanks @ermcgrat and others for pointing out code issue.

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