6.2.0 (2024-03-03)
🚀 New Feature
- #1326 add: i18n th_TH (@bdsach)
- #1366 feat: add ability to initially sort a column descending (@mayorbyrne)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #1334 Correctly set page prop back to 0 when resetPageOnUpdate is enabled (@cpba)
- #1348 fix: made search input an uncontrolled component (@adamhwang)
- #1353 fix: use relative path for named import (@youssef3wi)
- #1358 fix: gridjs duplicate plugin error when updating config (@fpaz)
- #1414 Fix: "types" added to export parameters (@theotheo)
- #1417 #1416: Improve German translations (@GitRon)
- #1428 fix: deepEqual exceed maximum call stack size (@ryuapp)
Committers: 11
- Adam Hwang (@adamhwang)
- Afshin Mehrabani (@afshinm)
- Aouichaoui Youssef (@youssef3wi)
- Bandit Silachai (@bdsach)
- Carles Pastor Badosa (@cpba)
- Frank Paz (@fpaz)
- Jon (@jonbitgood)
- Kevin Moritz (@mayorbyrne)
- Ronny V. (@GitRon)
- @theotheo
- ryu (@ryuapp)