github greymass/anchor v1.0.5
Anchor (1.0.5)

latest releases: v1.3.13-recover, v1.3.13-test1, v1.3.12...
4 years ago

Release Notes for 1.0.5

The following changes and fixes have been included in this new version.

  • Added new account/key lookup detection and usage when available f65c309
  • Additional fixes to enable an Anchor Updater UI bc60e01
  • Fixed a bug preventing proxy registrations 0920402
  • Prevented Cold Wallets from trying to connect to an API node while offline 30addf8
  • Tweaks to help explain Cold Wallets during import process 9855255
  • Fixed an issue preventing the right-click menu (copy/paste) from working in Windows 53297be
  • Added account templating detection for incoming Signing Requests, and disable account changing when no placeholders exist 88c31a8
  • If a signing request is triggered for an account which does not exist in the local wallet, display a warning aa8a11e
  • Fixed an issue with Greymass Fuel transactions in signing requests, where the proper wallet wouldn't be loaded automatically 5a44d81
  • Fixed names for Jungle 2 and Jungle 3 to make them easier to identify 3cd0ddf
  • Added Greymass Fuel support to Jungle 3 5973b84
  • All password prompts should now autofocus to allow you to begin typing immediately d7d5c88
  • Renamed the controls for CPU/NET to "Stake" and "Unstake" once again 83fbc92
  • Raised the account selector dropdown z-index to be above other elements, so you can always select accounts b14c7af
  • Fixed an issue with the Smart Contract Interface preventing horizontal scrolling 65ce08d
  • The Smart Contract Interface tool will now return broadcast errors if encountered 4bf87bd
  • Resolved a crash when a node for a blockchain wasn't specified properly 64bf637
  • During multi-key lookups, display the associated public key with each lookup group f760cc4
  • Multiple attempted fixes to improve the Scatter backup import process ffd193d
  • Optimized account loading during key lookups to reduce delays during this process 1eaebf6

Experimental Feature: Scatter Backup Import (Update 2)

This feature is in early development and may contain bugs - please keep all of your backups.

Anchor (during the initial setup) can now import backups from Scatter. Due to the complexity of this feature and potential variations in its usage, we will slowly be working on this feature over time and adjusting as users report the issues they encounter while using it.

In 1.0.5 we have identified and resolved a number of issues from the first release of this feature in 1.0.4. We don't expect this release to be bug free, so if you encounter an error please open an issue on our tracker or contact us on telegram. Useful information to include would be any errors in the "Developers Console". This can be accessed through the View dropdown menu, and by selecting "Toggle Developer Tools" and viewing the "Console" tab. There may be multiple errors, which are red, that could help us determine what happened during the restoration of your backup.

Thank you for bearing with us as we work through and discover how best to handle this feature.


Signed by jesta on keybase

Hash: SHA512

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shasum -b -a 512 linux-anchor-wallet-1.0.5-arm64.deb
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shasum -b -a 512 linux-anchor-wallet-1.0.5-armv7l.deb
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shasum -b -a 512 linux-anchor-wallet-1.0.5-x86_64.AppImage
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shasum -b -a 512 mac-anchor-wallet-1.0.5.dmg
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shasum -b -a 512
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shasum -b -a 512 win-anchor-wallet-1.0.5.exe
c5e6d864c6ec6ee1b36e108c54416db80ba0999327c29156aac593bb25cb727a61596b8c7d8acbbe91cffb4c5efd56ec2f4f5803413dd0248855c10305dd113e *win-anchor-wallet-1.0.5.exe
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.1.13


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