github greymass/anchor v0.4.0
0.4.0 - Account Creation & Smart Contract Interface

latest releases: v1.3.13-recover, v1.3.13-test1, v1.3.12...
5 years ago

New Features

  • Account Creation: From within the Tools section, you can now create (and pay for) additional accounts to be created, either for yourself or for those you know in need of an account. This initial release of account creation is very minimal and expects you to understand how to generate key pairs, how staking works, and how RAM impacts the new account. Future versions will improve to make this interface and user flow more friendly.
  • Producer Information: In the Producers Voting section, a new button has been added to each producer which can be used to view further information about them. When the button is colored purple, it means there's information available to view about this producer. The grey buttons are producers who have not yet published their information on-chain. The information itself is retrieved from a smart contract (producerjson) on-chain (no external connections for your wallet).
  • Smart Contract Interface Tool: Added to the Tools section of the app, this tool allows you to view and interact with any smart contract deployed on the EOS blockchain. Enter the contract address to load the ABI, and from there you can perform any actions, view any table/scope, and view the raw ABI of the contract. A warning will be displayed the first time you attempt to access this tool - since if used improperly, could do any number of potentially damaging things to an account.
  • ABI Bundling for Cold Storage Signing: v0.4.0 brings a change to the file format used for cold storage signing that now allows the signing of any transaction (custom tokens, referendums, etc) with a Cold Storage Wallet! Any unsigned tx created with 0.4.0+ will also require a cold storage wallet of v0.4.0+ to sign it, trying to sign with a lower version will not work.
  • Tools - Default Page: The default page when you click Tools will now also be the home for all of your wallet application settings.
  • A Choice in Block Explorers: A new application setting has been added that allows you to choose which block explorer you'd like all explorer links to open to. If you have an explorer you want added to the list, open a github issue requesting it!
  • In-memory key obfuscation: Private keys that are stored in your devices RAM while the wallet is unlocked are now obfuscated using a light encryption pass to strengthen the security of your account. While this won't defend against all compromised systems, it will defend against basic memory scanners that are searching your computer for private keys sitting in RAM. Thanks to @nsjames (developer of Scatter) for the recommendation!
  • More formatting for Action History items: A number of additional operation types have been added to the Action History section of the wallet and now have custom formatting (instead of large JSON displays).
  • New Languages: Thanks to our small but growing community of contributors on the crowdin translation platform, Estonian and Spanish have been added, and a number of additional languages have improved coverage.
  • No owner keys allows: We have explicitly disabled the usage of owner keys (except in instances of genesis accounts, where owner = active) in this build, since both the owner key should be kept offline and currently there are issues with signing while using the owner key. In one of the next builds, we will reintroduce owner key imports, but only for temporary usage when modifying active permissions.
  • Bug Fix: A bug preventing the removal of custom tokens from the tools section has been corrected.


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shasum -b -a 512 linux-eos-voter-0.4.0-amd64.snap
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shasum -b -a 512 linux-eos-voter-0.4.0-armv7l.deb
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shasum -b -a 512 linux-eos-voter-0.4.0-x86_64.AppImage
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shasum -b -a 512 mac-eos-voter-0.4.0.dmg
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shasum -b -a 512
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shasum -b -a 512 win-eos-voter-0.4.0.exe
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