22.18.1 - 2025-03-14
✨ Added
- Add codecov badge to README by @bjoernricks in #892
- Extract logging domain into an own "module" by @bjoernricks in 323cfc1
- Add tests for logging function by @bjoernricks in a661eed
- Add test for setting up the log handlers from a config by @bjoernricks in bcd63e5
- First tests of pwpolicy.c by @mattmundell in #893
- First test of mqtt.c by @mattmundell in 675c0d9
- First tests of kb.c by @mattmundell in e512d8a
- First tests of radiusutils.c by @mattmundell in ed93035
- First test of serverutils.c by @mattmundell in a01568d
- Tests of in_cksum by @mattmundell in e0c08b7
👷 Changed
- Fallback to "*" section for all settings in a log domain by @bjoernricks in d6317bd
- Move assignments out of if conditions (base) by @mattmundell in b51465b
- Move assignments out of if conditions (util) by @mattmundell in f556320
- Move assignments out of if conditions (boreas) by @mattmundell in #901
- Use strrchr instead of rindex by @mattmundell in #902
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix setting log file to "-" by @bjoernricks in 090efb4
- Fix behavior of get_time logging function by @bjoernricks in acd9a32
- Only enable coverage when testing is enabled too by @bjoernricks in 8b46473
- Fix Create coverage xml for CI by @bjoernricks in 5eabf15
- Check for gcovr when coverage is enable by @bjoernricks in 330a908
- Doc typo by @mattmundell in d5fc5f5
🔥 Removed
- Remove stray space by @mattmundell in #895
🔧 Miscellaneous
- Improve Release Changelog Generation by @bjoernricks in #904