24.5.0 - 2025-03-14
✨ Added
- Add data-testids for the new task icon menu by @bjoernricks in cb3d219
- Add a data-testid to the reset icon of a dashboard by @bjoernricks in d9438b4
- Allow to set a data-testid on Section components by @bjoernricks in 0e386da
- Add data-testids for scan config components by @bjoernricks in 5ded582
- Add data-testid to add new dashboard icon button by @bjoernricks in e62e379
- Add data-testid for some task components by @bjoernricks in 5d18bd8
- Update footer link to support localization based on user language by @daniele-mng in #4393
- Add a configuration file for git-cliff by @bjoernricks in 86b2c20
- Add a new CI workflow for showing the latest changelog by @bjoernricks in 615580d
- Kerberos to credentials by @daniele-mng in 5d80e7f
- Kerberos to target by @daniele-mng in b31c8b2
- Add CredentialCommand tests and export class by @daniele-mng in 05bea20
- Feature Flag Kerberos in ae5b9d6
👷 Changed
- Select dropdown scrollbar to show on hover by @daniele-mng in #4395
- Rename release workflow by @bjoernricks in 56019d1
- Use git-cliff to generate changelog for releases by @bjoernricks in #4391
- Optional onError and onSuccess in handleNotificationForAction by @bjoernricks in 3a33249
- Return action promise result from handleNotificationForAction by @bjoernricks in #4397
- Rename port list component js module by @bjoernricks in #4399
- Manual link position by @daniele-mng in b466a4d
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Allow to pass and override the data-testid prop of SvgIcon components by @bjoernricks in b167301
- Fix rendering the NewTicketIcon by @bjoernricks in 470d057
- Fix typos in the data-testids of the powerfilter by @bjoernricks in dfc5e8c
- Fix a proptype warning in the Topology Display component by @bjoernricks in 142c8b0
- Stacking modal overlay opacity by @daniele-mng in #4394
- Show response error on user settings save in #4392
- Don't crash port list pages on user interaction by @bjoernricks in 259490b
- Don't silently discard port list save errors by @bjoernricks in 093ffa3
- Fix and add test by @daniele-mng in 13fdcdc
- Fix tests by @daniele-mng in #4335
- Show success notification only if successMessage is defined in actionFunction by @daniele-mng in #4403
- Display errors during port list update and creation by @bjoernricks in d18d4a6
🔥 Removed
- Remove unused click handler in new task menu by @bjoernricks in eba05ff
- Remove unused translations by @daniele-mng in #4406
✅ Testing
- Add new queryDialogs function by @bjoernricks in aafc7a6
- Remove unused testing helper function for action icons by @bjoernricks in b2a20cd
- Use consistent naming for testing helper functions and add jsdoc by @bjoernricks in 45d0bd0
- Remove act from openSelectElement testing helper function by @bjoernricks in #4396
- Add tests for the PortRangeDialog by @bjoernricks in #4398
- Add a data-testid to the new port range icon by @bjoernricks in 0c5f94a
- Add tests for the port list component by @bjoernricks in 6ed1190
🔧 Miscellaneous
- Allow to use drop as commit message for changelog removed category by @bjoernricks in eef9352
- Reintroduce the dependencies category for the changelog by @bjoernricks in #4401