github great-expectations/great_expectations 0.9.7

latest releases: 1.0.5, 0.18.21, 1.0.4...
4 years ago



  • Update marshmallow dependency to >3. NOTE: as of this release, you MUST use marshamllow >3.0, which REQUIRES python 3. #1187 @jcampbell
    • Schema checking is now stricter for expectation suites, and data_asset_name must not be present as a top-level
      key in expectation suite json. It is safe to remove.
    • Similarly, datasource configuration must now adhere strictly to the required schema, including having any
      required credentials stored in the "credentials" dictionary.
  • New beta CLI command: tap new that generates an executable python file to expedite deployments. #1193 @Aylr
  • Added feature maturity in README #1203 @kyleaton


  • Fix failing test that should skip if postgresql not running #1199 @cicdw
  • bugfix in TableBatchKwargsGenerator docs

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