github great-expectations/great_expectations 0.8.4

latest releases: 0.18.21, 1.0.4, 1.0.3...
4 years ago
  • Improved the tutorials that walk new users through the process of creating expectations and validating data
  • Changed the flow of the init command - now it creates the scaffolding of the project and adds a datasource. After that users can choose their path.
  • Added a component with links to useful tutorials to the index page of the Data Docs website
  • Improved the UX of adding a SQL datasource in the CLI - now the CLI asks for specific credentials for Postgres, MySQL, Redshift and Snowflake, allows continuing debugging in the config file and has better error messages
  • Added batch_kwargs information to DataDocs validation results
  • Fixed an issue affecting file stores on Windows

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