github great-expectations/great_expectations 0.12.8

latest releases: 0.18.20, 1.0.2, 1.0.1...
3 years ago

[FEATURE] Add OpsgenieAlertAction #2012 (thanks @miike!)
[FEATURE] Add S3SubdirReaderBatchKwargsGenerator #2001 (thanks @noklam)
[ENHANCEMENT] Snowflake uses temp tables by default while still allowing transient tables
[ENHANCEMENT] Enabled use of lowercase table and column names in GE with the use_quoted_name key in batch_kwargs #2023
[BUGFIX] Basic suite builder profiler (suite scaffold) now skips excluded expectations #2037
[BUGFIX] Off-by-one error in linking to static images #2036 (thanks @NimaVaziri!)
[BUGFIX] Improve handling of pandas NA type issue #2029 PR #2039 (thanks @isichei!)
[DOCS] Update Virtual Environment Example #2027 (thanks @shapiroj18!)
[DOCS] Update implemented_expectations.rst (thanks @jdimatteo!)
[DOCS] Update how_to_configure_a_pandas_s3_datasource.rst #2042 (thanks @CarstenFrommhold!)

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