github graygnuorg/pound v4.12

2 months ago

Manual in texinfo format included

Change in the order of applying rewrites to responses

When rewriting a response, rules defined in the service section are applied first, followed by the ones defined in the listener.
When rewriting incoming requests, the order is opposite: first the rules in the listener, then the ones in the service.

Fixes in handling of Transfer-Encoding

  • Requests with unrecognized Transfer-Encoding are rejected
  • Requests containing both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length are rejected

Deprecated configuration statements

Pound issues a warning for each deprecated statement used in the configuration file. The warning message contains a suggestion on what to use instead of the offending statement. You are advised to replace each occurrence of deprecated statements in accordance with these suggestions, since such statements will be removed in future releases.

If it is not feasible to do so for a while, you can suppress these messages by using the -W no-warn-deprecated command line option.

ServerName directive is allowed in the Emergency section

New configuration statement: ErrorFile

  ErrorFile NNN "FILENAME"

This statement defines content of the response page returned with the HTTP status NNN from the file FILENAME. It obsoletes the Err400 - Err503 statements used in previous versions. These statements are still supported for backward compatibility, although their use is discouraged.

New configuration statement: MaxURI

This statement sets the maximum allowed length of the request URI. It can be used in ListenHTTP and ListenHTTPS sections.


  • Don't try to access the include directory, unless needed by configuration.
  • Fix handling of session deletion/addition on request from poundctl.

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