github gravitational/teleport v14.3.21
Teleport 14.3.21

latest releases: v17.0.0-dev.ravicious.4, api/v17.0.0-dev.ravicious.4, v15.4.7...
7 days ago


  • Fixed bug that caused gRPC connections to be disconnected when their certificate expired even though DisconnectCertExpiry was false. #43292
  • Fixed bug where a Teleport instance running only Jamf or Discovery service would never have a healthy /readyz endpoint. #43285
  • Added a missing [Install] section to the teleport-acm systemd unit file as used by Teleport AMIs. #43258
  • Updated teleport to skip jamf_service validation when the Jamf is not enabled. #43170
  • Improved log rotation logic in Teleport Connect; now the non-numbered files always contain recent logs. #43163
  • Made tsh and Teleport Connect return early during login if ping to proxy service was not successful. #43087
  • Added ability to edit user traits from the Web UI. #43070
  • Enforce limits when reading events from Firestore to prevent OOM events. #42968
  • Fixed an issue Oracle access failed through trusted cluster. #42929
  • Fixes errors caused by dynamoevents query StartKey not being within the [From, To] window. #42914
  • Fixed updating groups for Teleport-created host users. #42883
  • Update azidentity to v1.6.0 (patches CVE-2024-35255). #42860
  • Remote rate limits on endpoints used extensively to connect to the cluster. #42836
  • Improved the performance of the Athena audit log and S3 session storage backends. #42796
  • Prevented a panic in the Proxy when accessing an offline application. #42787
  • Improve backoff of session recording uploads by teleport agents. #42775
  • Reduced backend writes incurred by tracking status of non-recorded sessions. #42695
  • Fixed listing available DB users in Teleport Connect for databases from leaf clusters obtained through access requests. #42681
  • Fixed not being able to logout from the web UI when session invalidation errors. #42654
  • Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.14. #42643
  • Teleport Connect binaries for Windows are now signed. #42473
  • Updated Go to 1.21.11. #42416
  • Fix web UI notification dropdown menu height from growing too long from many notifications. #42338
  • Disabled session recordings for non-interactive sessions when enhanced recording is disabled. #42321
  • Fixed issue where removing an app could make teleport app agents incorrectly report as unhealthy for a short time. #42269
  • Fixed a panic in the DynamoDB audit log backend when the cursor fell outside of the [From,To] interval. #42266
  • The teleport configure command now supports a --node-name flag for overriding the node's hostname. #42249
  • Fixed an issue where mix-and-match of join tokens could interfere with some services appearing correctly in heartbeats. #42188
  • Improved temporary disk space usage for session recording processing. #42175
  • Fixed a regression where Kubernetes Exec audit events were not properly populated and lacked error details. #42146
  • Fix Azure join method when using Resource Groups in the allow section. #42140
  • Fixed resource leak in session recording cleanup. #42069
  • Reduced memory and cpu usage after control plane restarts in clusters with a high number of roles. #42064
  • Fixed the field allowed_https_hostnames in the Teleport Operator resources: SAML, OIDC, and GitHub Connector. #42056
  • Enhanced error messaging for clients using kubectl exec v1.30+ to include warnings about a breaking change in Kubernetes. #41989

Enterprise-Only changes:

  • Improved memory usage when reconciling Access Lists members to prevent Out of Memory events when reconciling a large number of Access Lists members.
  • Prevented Access Monitoring reports from crashing when large datasets are returned.
  • Ensured graceful restart of teleport.service after an upgrade.


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