github gravitational/teleport v13.4.16
Teleport 13.4.16

latest releases: v15.4.6, v16.0.3, v15.4.6-dev.fred-test-1...
4 months ago


  • Fixed incorrect resizing of CLI apps in Teleport Connect on Windows. #37800
  • Fixed memory leak in tbot caused by never closing reverse tunnel address resolvers. #37723
  • Correctly handle non-registered U2F keys. #37721
  • Fixed usage data submission becoming stuck sending too many reports at once (Teleport Enterprise only). #37689
  • Fixed cache init issue with access list members/reviews. #37675
  • Skip tsh AppID pre-flight check whenever possible. #37644
  • Updated Go to 1.21.6. #37561
  • Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.13. #37553
  • tsh FIDO2 backend re-written for improved responsiveness and reliability. #37539
  • Do not add alphabetically first Kube cluster's name to a user certificate on login. #37503
  • Allow to replicate proxy pods when using an ingress in the teleport-cluster Helm chart. #37481
  • tbot now correctly uses the last good persisted identity if --join-token has not been specified. #37448
  • Prevent backend throttling caused by a large number of app sessions. #37392
  • Fixed querying of large audit events with Athena backend and added prometheus metrics for audit event sizes. #37350
  • Fixed CA key generation when two auth servers share a single YubiHSM2. #37301
  • Fixed an issue selecting MySQL database is not reflected in the audit logs. #37258
  • Fixed missing proxy address in GCP and Azure VM auto-discovery. #37216
  • Reduced logging level for services that reconcile resources. #37141
  • Fixed webUI if automatic upgrades are misconfigured. #37131
  • Improved styling of the login form in Connect and Web UI. #37004
  • Fixed tsh trying to relogin on fatal errors. #36925
  • Ensure that moderated sessions do not get stuck in the event of an unexpected drop in the moderator's connection. #36918
  • The web terminal now properly displays underscores on Linux. #36891
  • Ensure that any opened app session is always closed on completion. #36887
  • Fixed tsh panic on Windows if WebAuthn.dll is missing. #36869
  • Fixed a potential crash in Teleport Connect after downgrading the app from v15+. #36798
  • Ensure connect_to_node_attempts_total is always incremented when dialing hosts. #36738
  • Added missing create/update messages for some tctl create commands. #36702
  • Prevent a goroutine leak caused by app sessions not cleaning up resources properly. #36669
  • Fixed an issue where valid saml entity descriptors could be rejected. #36659
  • Verify MFA device locks during user authentication. #36627
  • Teleport updater now reloads systems units after an upgrade. #3228


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