github gravitational/teleport v11.0.0
Teleport 11.0.0

latest releases: v15.4.6, v16.0.3, v15.4.6-dev.fred-test-1...
20 months ago

Teleport 11 brings the following new major features and improvements:

  • Hardware-backed private keys support for Server Access (Enterprise only).
  • Replacement of obsolete SCP protocol with SFTP for Server Access.
  • Removal of persistent storage requirement for Helm charts.
  • Automatic discovery and enrollment of EKS/AKS clusters for Kubernetes Access.
  • Richer Azure integrations for Server and Database Access.
  • Cassandra and Scylla support for Database Access, including AWS Keyspaces.
  • GitHub Actions and Terraform support for Machine ID.
  • Access Requests and file upload/download support for Teleport Connect.

Hardware-backed private keys (Enterprise Only)

Teleport 11 clients (such as tsh or Connect) support storing their private key
material on Yubikey devices instead of filesystem which helps prevent
credentials exfiltration attacks.

See how to enable it in this guide:

Hardware-backed private keys is an enterprise only feature, and is currently
supported for Server Access only.

SFTP protocol

Teleport 11 adds server-side support for SFTP protocol which many IDEs such as
VSCode or JetBrains PyCharm, GoLand and others use for browsing, copying, and
editing files on remote systems.

The following guides explain how to use IDEs to connect to a remote machine via

In addition, Teleport 11 clients will use SFTP protocol for file transfer under
the hood instead of the obsolete scp protocol. Server-side scp is still
supported so existing clients aren’t affected.

Helm charts persistent storage

In Teleport 11 users no longer need to use persistent storage when deploying
Helm charts. When running on Kubernetes, Teleport services will now store their
identities in Kubernetes Secrets which removes the need for using persistent
storage or static join tokens.

For existing deployments, this change involves migration from Deployment to
StatefulSet which is performed automatically during Helm upgrade to Teleport 11.

EKS/AKS discovery

Teleport 11 adds support for automatic discovery and enrollment of AWS Elastic
Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters.

Azure integrations

Teleport 11 improves Azure support in multiple areas.

Teleport agents running on Azure VMs will now automatically import Azure tags to
label resources.

Teleport Database Access now supports auto-discovery for Azure-hosted PostgreSQL
and MySQL databases. See the updated Azure guide for more details:

In addition, Teleport Database Access will now use Azure AD managed identity
authentication for Azure-hosted SQL Server databases.


Teleport 11 adds support for Cassandra and ScyllaDB databases in Database
Access. This includes support for AWS Keyspaces.

Machine ID

Teleport 11 adds support for secret-less joining of Machine ID agents in GitHub
Actions workflows. See the guide for more details: TODO

We have also released a GitHub Action for setting up the Teleport binaries
within a GitHub workflow environment. More details regarding this can be found
at the Teleport GitHub Actions repository:

In addition, the Teleport Terraform plugin now supports the creation of Machine
ID Bots and Bot Tokens.

Teleport Connect

Teleport Connect has added support for Access Requests and file upload/download.

Breaking Changes

Please familiarize yourself with the following potentially disruptive changes in
Teleport 11 before upgrading.

Removed Github external SSO

Beginning in Teleport 11, GitHub SAML SSO will only be available in our
Enterprise Edition. GitHub SSO without SAML will continue to work with OSS

To keep using GitHub SSO with the OSS Teleport, SAML SSO needs to be disabled
for your GitHub organization. OSS Teleport users can continue to use GitHub SSO
if using a Github Free or Team GitHub Plan.

Changed Terraform OIDC connector redirect_url type to array

In Teleport Plugins 11, redirect_url property in OIDC connectors created via
a Terraform module expects an array:

redirect_url = [ "" ]

Deprecated registry

Starting with Teleport 11, as a container registry has been deprecated.
Customers should use the new AWS ECR registry to pull Teleport Docker images: registry support will be removed in a future release.

Deprecated old deb/rpm repositories

In Teleport 11, old deb/rpm repositories ( and have been deprecated. Customers should use the new
repositories ( and to
install Teleport:

Support for our old deb/rpm repositories will be removed in a future release.

Changed teleport-kube-agent Helm chart to StatefulSet

Teleport 11 agents will now store their identities in Kubernetes Secrets when
deployed via a Helm chart which eliminates the need for using persistent storage
or static join tokens. Due to this change, Teleport agents are now always
deployed as part of StatefulSet regardless of whether persistent storage is
enabled or not.

Existing agents that were deployed as Kubernetes Deployments (i.e. without
persistent storage) will be automatically converted to StatefulSets during
Teleport 11 Helm upgrade.

Removed PostgreSQL backend

The preview PostgreSQL backend was deleted due to performance and scalability

Removed Desktop Access support for 32-bit ARM and 386 architectures

32-bit support for Desktop Access on ARM and 386 architectures has been removed
due to performance issues on these devices.

This also reduces the binary size for these builds, making them slightly more
convenient for smaller resource-constrained devices.

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