github graphql/graphiql graphiql@1.6.0

latest releases: @graphiql/plugin-explorer@3.1.0, @graphiql/react@0.22.4, graphiql@3.3.2...
2 years ago

Minor Changes

  • #2191 eb8af7b5 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Allow inserting content before the topBar element via the beforeTopBarContent property.

    <GraphiQL beforeTopBarContent={<SomeComponent />} />
  • #2189 96d47267 Thanks @n1ru4l! - Apply variable editor title text styles via class variable-editor-title-text instead of using inline-styles. This allows better customization of styles. An active element also has the class active. This allows overriding the inactive state color using the selector .graphiql-container .variable-editor-title-text and overriding the active state color using the selector .graphiql-container

  • #2190 d5179899 Thanks @n1ru4l! - New callback property onSchemaChange for GraphiQL.

    The callback is invoked with the successfully fetched schema from the remote.

    Usage example:

    <GraphiQL onSchemaChange={schema => console.log(schema)} />

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